Fall Welcome Info

If you had to miss our Welcome night, here are links to what you missed:

  1. New Parent Welcome Night Spring slides.
  2. Welcome Night Fall slides 


If you would like to sign up to volunteer for TEAM activities, follow the 2 easy steps below:

  1. Go to the following spreadsheet to sign-up to volunteer.
  2. Make a note in your calendar of your commitment.  Thanks!
  3. If you are volunteering to be an overnight chaperone at a TEAM event, you will need to be fingerprinted. This can be done at the UPS store in Town and Country for no charge--the District has an account there.  Here is the form to use.  Please allow two weeks for this to be processed before the field trip.

Questions???  Email one of our parent coordinators.

    Parent Email List

    We might look into using a different parent notification system for next year.  In the past, we've had parents fill out this Google Form to be added to the parent email list. If you have questions or announcements to send to the whole group, email teamcommunications@gmail.com.

    Field Trip Dates

    We also wanted to give you some important dates for the upcoming year so that you can put them in your calendars:                  

    • Camp TEAM @ Foothills: September 11-12, 2024
    • Yosemite Field Trip: November 11-15, 2024
    • Monterey Field Trip: TBD in Early March
    • Service Day: TBD usually in April  
    • Lakeside Leadership Training: Weekend April or Early May

    Field Trip Chaperones and Fingerprinting

    If you are a parent chaperone on a field trip, you need to get fingerprinted. This can be done at the UPS store in Town and Country for no charge--the District has an account there.  Here is the form to use.  Please allow two weeks for this to be processed before the field trip.  If you have submitted a LiveScan in a previous year to PAUSD, you should not need to do it again.

    Photo Sharing


    If you have expenses from TEAM events, please fill out the Expense Reimbursment form and attach your receipts, then mail to the treasurer at the address on the form.  

    Parent Coordinators

    Thanks for your help!  Please keep specific notes from your event.  The Google Form here will allow you to share feedback.