Welcome to the TEAM Fundraising Page (TEAM Financials Form)
PayPal Donation Option - Click the Link Below to make a Voluntary Donation
TEAM is an educational non-profit and all of our activities are supported by donations and fundraising efforts. We could not have TEAM without the generosity of our community, so please consider donating! If you have questions about TEAM fundraising or finances, please contact palyteamtreasurer@gmail.com. All donations are tax deductible (Tax ID #77-0454317).
PayPal Link
More About TEAM Fundraising Efforts
In a typical year, TEAM asks each family to make a $1500 tax-deductible voluntary contribution per student if they are able. This donation covers the cost for student programming for a week at Yosemite, including transportation, room and board. It also covers other costs to run TEAM –including transportation for day field trips, TEAM t-shirt, snacks throughout the year, meals on field trips, and the end-of-the-year party. In addition, it pays for the extra time the TEAM teachers spend on interdisciplinary curriculum development and collaboration and the hourly cost for teacher after-hours work when TEAM teachers are leading TEAM activities outside of the school day and supervising students. TEAM receives no funding from Paly to cover these costs, so your donations are essential. Over 90% of families choose to donate to TEAM, and we depend on this generosity. Some families even give more than $1500, which helps to cover the cost of families who cannot donate the full amount. No student or family will be excluded from any TEAM events or activities for financial reasons.
Thank you in advance for making the $1500 voluntary donation—our program could not run without the generosity of our parent community. You can use Paypal above, or mail in your check (payable to ‘Paly Interdisciplinary Experience’ with your child's name on the memo line), to our co-treasurer using the info below:
Paly TEAM Treasurer: Min He, 920 Dennis Drive, Palo Alto, CA 94303
While TEAM will not exclude any student for financial reasons, we hope you understand that all these "extras" cost money and you will make a voluntary donation in support of the program. This donation is tax deductible (Tax ID #77-0454317).
No one is excluded from full participation in TEAM activities for financial reasons. Families are welcome to set up payment plans or donate any amount that is possible if the full $1500 is a burden.
One of the highlights of TEAM this coming year will be the first full week in November, when TEAM students, teachers and parent volunteers travel to Yosemite National Park for a week-long Nature Bridge course. Your TEAM donation helps pay for transportation, meals, accommodations in Yosemite tent cabins, and Nature Bridge tuition to pay the salaries of our expert guides, plus hourly costs for teacher supervision at night. Further details regarding this trip will be presented during a parent meeting in October.
Tax-deductible donations can be made using PayPal Below: (TAX ID #77-0454317)
PayPal Donation Option - Click the Link Below to make a Voluntary Donation of $1500
TEAM is an educational non-profit and all of our activities are supported by donations and fundraising efforts. We could not have TEAM without the generosity of our community, so please consider donating! If you have questions about TEAM fundraising or finances, please contact palyteamtreasurer@gmail.com.
PayPal Link
Company Matching Gift Program
Many companies will match donations made by their employees. Since TEAM (Paly Interdisciplinary Experience) is a non-profit 501C(c)(3), it may be possible for you to request a match of the $1250 you donated for your student's participation in the program. If your employer has a matching-gift program, please let us know. Listed below is the information you may need to provide your employer.
50 Embarcadero Road
Palo Alto, CA 94301
Tax ID# 77-0454317
Contact: Liz Brimhall ebrimhall@pausd.org 650-208-3971
Other Fundraising
Parents should consider eScrip as an easy (and free) way to contribute financially to TEAM based on charges you make with your existing credit cards. When updating your group selection at escrip.com, you may search for TEAM based on its Group ID (500005896) or Group Name (Palo Alto High School TEAM). Click on the name. Once it appears in the blue box, click on "update" or the change will not be applied.
If you have expenses from TEAM events, please fill out the Expense Reimbursment form and attach your receipts, then mail to the treasurer at the address on the form.